what does autumn mean to you?

what does autumn mean to you?

Carrying all the extra coats, scooping pumpkin goo from the table, and drinking cupfuls of leftover hot chocolate… parenting has a special flavour in Autumn!

Look outside. That warm, golden glow makes it the perfect season for taking magical pictures.

It’s time to get the whole family involved in some creative portraits. Print them, slide them into a Memory Folder or Memory Book, and repeat next year – you might even make this a new tradition.

PS: You don’t need a professional photo shoot to start capturing your family this October. Try some of our ideas:

5 Ideas for Memorable Autumn Pictures…

1. Go leaf-peeping. Find those falling leaves – try local parks or woodlands – and, if it’s dry, encourage the kids to make a big pile for jumping. Can anybody catch a falling leaf in mid-air? You’ll have some vibrant action shots!

2. Wait until ‘golden hour’. Instagrammers know about this special time when the sun’s setting and casts a softer light. It happens during the hour right before sunset.

3. Dress in Autumn colours. If you’re taking photographs of the whole family (or attending a shoot) then aim to dress everyone in the same colour palette – gold, rust, mocha and white will give your pictures a cosy look.

4. Hot chocolate portraits. If it’s still raining, take some pictures indoors. A big mug of not-too-hot chocolate is the perfect prop for happy children to hold.

5. Forage for fruit. Visit a farm to choose your own pumpkins and see who can carry the biggest one. (Turning photo shoots into games always helps to prevent frowning.) Collecting apples from a friend’s tree is a good substitute!

Try theming your memory folder by season – it will help you to remember to take pictures all year round (and stay organised, too).

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